Dr Judith Guedalia

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Total: 2 results found.

1. A Reversible Case of Klüver-Bucy Syndrome in Association With Shigellosis
(Matching tags: Psychic Blindness,Klüver-Bucy,Blindness,Hypermetamorphosis,Hyperorality,Bulimia,Shigella encephalopathy,Visual Agnosia)
Abstract The Klüver-Bucy syndrome is characterized by psychic blindness or visual agnosia, blunted affect, hypermetamorphosis, hyperorality, bulimia, and sexual behavioral alterations. To date, there ...
2. "He Is Blind But He Can See": More Diagnostic Tales from a Neuropsychologist's Journal.
(Matching tags: Shigellosis,Jewish Press,Brain/Behavior Relationship,Face Blindness,Prosopagnosia,Cognitive Dissonance,Kluver-Bucy Syndrome,KBS,Visual Agnosia,Psychic Blindness)
"We'd like you to come up to see a young boy", said Dr. A, the then pediatric chief resident.  "We have a patient here, an 8 year old boy from a small Bedouin village, he is blind but he can see."